
1. LinkedIn is still the platform to reach your business audience.

So why not target your specific audience here?

2. You build authority within your target audience before approaching them

This ensures that your approach is never "cold

You can set up your account based approach completely automated!

Pre-set what message you want to add to your connection request. The tooling does the rest!

Do research on your target audience
warm up target audience through content.

Sounds logical, but by no means always happens. How often do you get a connection request via LinkedIn with a "personal" message added to it? And how often does it happen that this personal message does not match your situation at all. Missed attempt. Especially since this often backfires. Contacts lose interest and you lose your chance for a connection. Too bad, and completely unnecessary!

start with the target audience.

We don't start with the content, as you might expect. We take a step back. Back to the target audience. Where, as we always say, it all starts. Because your content can be good, very good even, but if it's not read by the right people, it won't catch on. Therefore, after a thorough target group research only select the LinkedIn contacts that are interesting for you to approach.

Become an authority within your target audience.

The next step is to write content. Why is this content so important? This is (probably) your first contact with the selected people. You know the trends and developments in the market inside out, show that here and you will become an authority within your target audience!

an automated account-based strategy

Once your target audience has seen the content, then the automated piece of this approach begins. And because individuals have already seen your content, the approach is never "cold. What we're not going to do here is make a cheesy offer like everyone else. They have already seen your content, therefore know that you are an authority within your industry and so your approach may be direct.

ABLA ebook
the account-based LinkedIn automation strategy for your organization.

Curious about the different packages and their costs? This is described in detail in the e-book Account Based LinkedIn Automation. Including visualization, dashboarding and customer cases. Ready to start with the automated approach of people via LinkedIn?
