
Political ads return on social media platform X

Reading Time 1.5 minutes
By Eline Tol

X announced earlier this month that it is lifting its ban on political ads, a policy originally introduced in 2019. The main motivation appears to be financial; X's U.S. ad sales fell 59% year-on-year.

The reintroduction of political ads could have far-reaching implications for businesses and organizations. This change has reopened the door for strategies that focus on political campaigns, but it also means that companies must be more careful in navigating the political landscape on the platform.

X has announced specific policies to apply to political ads, including not allowing false or misleading content. In addition, there will be a globally accessible advertising transparency center and a strict screening process for who is allowed to advertise. The platform will also apply Community Notes, a crowd-sourced fact-checking feature, to all promoted posts, including political ads.

A more flexible Civic Integrity Policy is also part of the new measures. It targets only harmful content, such as voter intimidation or deception, and will not censor public discourse. As a result, X provides an additional layer of protection without restricting conversation.

By staying abreast of these changes and X's new policies, businesses and organizations can run more effective and responsive ad campaigns. Now more than ever, it is essential to adapt and optimize your social media strategies.

source: X

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Eline Tol

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