
Bing vs Google Adwords - Should you start with Bing Advertising?

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By Patrick Schokker

That Bing has been on the rise for a while now is old news. We also notice among our clients that the demand for Bing Advertising is increasing. Simply because it is increasingly used as a search engine in the Netherlands. Yet Google still has by far the largest market share. On desktop, Bing now has a share of 6.59% versus Google which has a share of 89.75% (source: ga.statcounter).


In other countries such as America and the United Kingdom, the market share is already much higher, viz: America 25% and United Kingdom 11%. Because of this, it is assumed, that Bing has not finished growing in the Netherlands either.

But not only for that reason.

Collaborations of Bing

The rising market share also has to do with the partnerships Bing has entered into. Bing has merged with Yahoo and Mozilla Firefox uses Bing as its default search engine. Apple and Windows also trust the search engine. As of iOS7, Siri uses it as the search engine and Windows 10 already has it set as the default search engine as well.

So, what do we think?

And what do we recommend to you? Is it valuable to advertise here?

We dove into the numbers of our Adwords and Bing clients and looked at/compared the results.

First of all, the cost per click in Bing is significantly lower and the conversion rate is higher - but this is a well-known fact. To cite real-world facts, we looked at the data of ten random SearchUser clients and compared the best converting keywords on Bing and Google.

*Trump roll*

For a Bing click, even leading up to the 2nd quarter of 2016, you still pay an average of 47% less than in Google! And the conversion rate is 1.7% higher on average.

Of course, the search engine cannot yet compete with Google's search volume, but its favorable CPC and higher conversion rate makes Bing more than worth advertising.

And then, of course, you don't have to choose between the two search engines ;). You can just advertise on both at the same time.

Do you want to start a Bing campaign in addition to your Adwords campaign?
Get in touch!

Want to learn more about Bing? Check out this page >

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Patrick Schokker
Patrick Schokker

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