
Google Consent Mode V2

Reading Time 2 minutes
By Lysanne Paulus

As of March 6, 2024, Consent Mode V2 is mandatory for all advertisers with traffic from the EU. Designed to comply with EU privacy rules, it records privacy preferences of website visitors in a cookie banner.

This blog explains Consent Mode V2, how it affects your ads and why, if you haven't already done so, you should implement it as soon as possible. Indeed, not implementing it can result in rejected measurements by Google, which will significantly reduce the effectiveness of Ads campaigns. Curious? Then read on quickly!

Being visible to the target audience

What is Google Consent mode?

Google Consent Mode is a functionality of Google. It helps manage user consent regarding the use of cookies for advertising and analytics on websites. It allows website owners to adjust the operation of analytics and advertising cookies based on user consent. With Google Consent Mode, website owners can ensure they comply with privacy regulations. At the same time, they can continue to provide relevant ads and analytics to users who have given consent.

What is Google Consent Mode V2?

Google Consent Mode V2 is an extension and modification of Google Consent Mode. It was introduced in early March 2024 as part of a further tightening of cookie policies. This update aims to give users more control over their data. It also encourages ad platforms to adhere to proper procedures. For website owners using ad platforms such as Google Ads or Meta, it is important to be aware of these changes.

What is the potential impact on your campaigns?

Consent Mode V2 allows website owners to use a cookie banner to ask visitors for permission to set different types of cookies. New options such as ad_user_data and ad_personalization are hereby introduced.

Ad_User_data: Sets permission to send user data to Google for online advertising purposes.
Ad_personalization: Enables storage related to personalization, for example video recommendations.

Failure to properly implement this mode can result in Google rejecting measurements, with possible consequences for all campaigns:

    Limited remarketing opportunities:
    Without Consent Mode V2, you cannot do targeted remarketing, which is essential for reaching interested users again.

    Reduced conversion measurement:
    Not using Consent Mode V2 limits your ability to accurately measure conversions. This leads to less insight into the effectiveness of your campaigns.

    Risk of AVG Issues:
    Not complying with the AVG can lead to legal issues and fines.

    Impact on ad performance:
    Ignoring Consent Mode V2 can have a negative impact on the overall performance of your ads because you are missing essential user data for optimization. In addition, there is a possibility of suspension of all your ad account(s)

the switch from the UA tracking code to the new GA4 code

What are the benefits?

This update emphasizes the importance of correct cookie consent settings and respecting privacy rules. It's also about not losing valuable data for your marketing campaigns. Let's list the benefits for your ongoing campaigns:

Better compliance with privacy regulations:
Consent Mode V2 helps advertisers comply with the AVG. It manages and respects user consent.

More accurate conversion measurement:
Even if users do not consent to the use of cookies, Consent Mode V2 provides opportunities for measuring conversions, albeit in a limited form.

Improved ad performance:
For insight into users' consent status, ads can be targeted and optimized more effectively.

Maintaining data quality in a cookie-less future:
Consent Mode V2 prepares advertisers for a future without traditional cookies. It offers alternative ways to collect relevant data.

Privacy-oriented approach:
By sending only general signals and no personal data, Consent Mode V2 respects users' privacy.

Are you ready for Cookie Consent Mode V2?

To set up Cookie Consent Mode V2 correctly and ensure that your website complies with the new requirements, there are a number of steps you can follow:

Check your data collection:
Review how you collect data from users.
Optimize your cookie banner:
Make sure your cookie banner is clear, direct and easy to navigate, as well as compliant with laws and regulations
Use Google Tag Manager:
Set up the Google Consent Mode V2 via Google Tag Manager, ensuring that the cookie banner and policy are correctly implemented.

Have questions about how it works or want to start implementing Consent Mode V2? Then get in touch with us!

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