
Conversion optimization trends 2020 & tips

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By Patrick Schokker

Get more return on your digital marketing efforts in 2020 with conversion optimization. By now, we know the power of conversion optimization. However, trends and developments also play an important role in this. In recent years, a number of developments took place that made it easier to address website visitors better and more personally. In this blog, we take you through the trends of conversion optimization. 

Trends of recent years

#1. The number of mobile users is still increasing

This trend is taking place worldwide. Of all smartphones used (more than three billion), 80% are used primarily to be online. Even 40% of all transactions take place via cell phone. This trend is (almost) naturally reflected in website design and mobile email design. This trend is also expected to continue to rise.

#2. Tooling (CRO).

Tools like Google Optimize and long-established qualitative feedback tools, like Hotjar, have made understanding user behavior a lot cheaper and more accessible. This trend is also expected to continue. This is partly due to emerging data management platforms (DMPs) and personalization capabilities in various tools.   

#3. Personalization (CRO).

Within B2B marketing, there has been a strong focus on personalization in recent years. Yet, not enough use is currently being made of this. Of the conversion optimization specialists, almost 75% want to use it in 2020. Those who do use personalization want to become even better at it this year. Personalization already starts with titles in ad texts and landing pages, but also in emails. Read more about personalized and dynamic content in emails with marketing automation.

Conversion optimization trends 2020

#1. Data management platforms (DMPs). 

The advantage of a DMP is that it provides insight into individual website visitors. This applies to both your loyal website visitors and those who are still hesitant. Through a DMP you can approach your (potential) customers personally and effectively outside and inside the website. This trend has become increasingly affordable in recent years, making it attractive to many organizations. 

Conversion optimization trends 2020

There is a difference between DMPs and A/B testing. These two tools work well side by side. A/B tests are suitable for checking hypotheses and DMPs are suitable for putting controlled variants live.

#2. Implementation without validation

When you are optimizing conversions, you often make assumptions about what will work better based on data and experience. However, these assumptions are often not tested beforehand. This can lead to losses. You cannot thoughtlessly assume that every optimization will be a success in practice. This is because the assumptions are not validated this way. 

So conversion optimization is not always about introducing profitable variants. Feel free to include variants that don't work as well. When you find that a variant is not working, you can take new insights and learning points from this to create new profitable variants. 

#3. Protecting the online consumer

Authority Consumer and Market (ACM) published a guideline regarding protection towards online consumers. 

"In this guidance, the ACM makes clear how it applies consumer rules to common influencing techniques in online experience environments."

There are many questions about the online influencing techniques that organizations mostly use (un)consciously. Some techniques are used almost by default on Web sites because of their effectiveness. Commercial organizations use them to maximize sales. 

ACM believes that online consumers are not getting a fair picture. The conversion rate is affected by organizations using these techniques. For example, consider removing bad reviews. From the eye of the organization this makes sense, for start-up companies bad reviews can have a big impact. For this reason, often only the positive reviews are displayed. Moreover, organizations often post reviews themselves. In this way, they try to convince consumers in a dishonest way. 

Tips to get ahead of conversion optimization trends 2020

  • When creating a website, always keep in mind the increasing mobile traffic;
  • Personalization is definitely a point that can be used, but keep testing what works best for your target audience;
  • Investing in DMP may be the highest return on investment for your organization's goals;
  • Always pay attention to the ACM guidelines so that this will not cost your organization money.

So through conversion optimization, A/B testing and personalization, you can optimize your sales funnel and motivate your visitors!

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