
4x the power of conversion optimization

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By Patrick Schokker

Your leads lag behind. Panic ensues. Where should you start to solve this? Maybe you're thinking up all kinds of new strategies. But what about conversion optimization?

Many companies spend unnecessary budget on ways to bring in more conversions. For example, a higher budget for advertising etc. However, this is only a short-term solution. The budget is much better spent on conversion optimization. Because you can spend so much budget on lead generation to attract visitors to your website, if the landing page does not convert, you have nothing to gain. You are simply still missing out on conversions.

But then what is the reason that companies do not choose conversion optimization? People think it takes a lot of time and money. In addition, they are convinced that the website is already running optimally. They underestimate the power of conversion optimization. Therefore, in this blog we share what the power of conversion optimization really is.

1. Conversion optimization remains profitable even after campaigns.

Through A/B testing, you can find out why your website is not converting. You get clear and instructive insights. Based on these, you can optimize (landing) pages. The advantage is that you continue to benefit from the changes on the page. Even when the advertising campaigns are over. After all, you have taken the website and/or landing pages to a higher level. Until it's time for optimization again, of course.

Adjusting your landing pages will increase your throughput. If you revisit the customer journey after the adjustments and adjust another step in the funnel, you can increase your conversion rate even more. All improvements affect each other. Your website can thus perform better in all areas.

2. With conversion optimization, get to know your target audience better

With conversion optimization, you are constantly testing among your target audience what is and isn't working. One of the best ways to find out why visitors are not converting is to analyze visitor behavior. You can do this to a certain extent in Google Analytics, by looking at user flow, for example.

Another way is to analyze behavior through heatmaps. Tools such as Hotjar allow you to record user sessions. In the heatmaps, you can see exactly how users scroll, which buttons they click and where they drop out.


This is one of the fastest ways to find out why visitors are not converting. This way you learn a lot about your target audience. You know what their pain points are and where any doubts lie. You understand the target group better, know their expectations and know what makes them convert more easily.

Once you have the answers to these questions, you can optimize. You can also continue A/B testing again to find out what works even better, or not.

3. You can use results from A/B testing in other marketing activities as well.

When you improve certain elements on your website, you can also implement them in ads. Think of a title or a piece of text that performs better. But it could also be a different tone of voice that resonates better with the target audience. You can then A/B test these elements in your ads. Perhaps it works better there too.

This is how you do conversion optimization in all your marketing activities.

4. Conversion optimization can be done at relatively low cost

Conversion optimization doesn't have to cost a lot but still pay off a lot. It can make a big difference in your conversion rate and thus revenue. Therefore, conversion optimization is definitely worthwhile. Tools such as Google Optimize also make conversion optimization easy. It allows you to test e.g. page titles and headers.

When we create a conversion optimization report, we start with a website analysis. We look at the current (landing) pages and give advice on what can be done better. We first start with the most important pages, such as the home page and the pages where ad campaigns land. Then we look at the navigation and ease of use of the website. We go through the customer journey, so to speak. This way we see where friction arises or can arise.

The benefits of conversion optimization at a glance:

  • The data you get from an optimized landing page can in turn be used to further optimize;

  • There is a high probability of conversions. The opportunity to convert is more accessible and easier on an optimized landing page;

  • The budget you spend on advertising and other marketing activities is used more efficiently. In fact, the clicks on the ads become more valuable because the conversion rate is higher. Also, it is better for the quality score of the ads, reducing the cost of advertising;

Make your website work more efficiently

Once you start seeing your Web site as the lead machine it can be and treat it that way, you will see results. Generally, we see organizations allocating little to no budget for their own websites. A shame! Through conversion optimization with a small budget, you can ensure that your website continues to perform optimally! Use your website, after all, you already have one! No need to reinvent the wheel.

Need help with conversion optimization?

Contact our specialists! 

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Patrick Schokker
Patrick Schokker

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