
Techniques for conversion optimization of your current website

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By Chantal Tol

Next up in our blog series. Conversion optimization. And as Neil Patel, top 10 marketer (Forbes), puts it nicely, Wikipedia did a surprisingly good job of defining this once. "Conversion optimization, or conversion rate optimization (CRO) is a system for increasing the percentage of visitors to a website who convert into customers. Or more generally, that takes a desired action on a Web page." What do you need this for and more importantly; how can you even automate it? That's the focus of this blog!

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what is conversion optimization?

Conversion optimization is the process of improving the performance of a website or other digital platform to convert more visitors into customers or leads. It involves improving the usability of the website and optimizing the visitor experience to increase the conversion rate.

And how we do it? Conversion optimization is a continuous process of testing, analyzing and improving different aspects of the website, such as content, layout, call-to-actions and the use of images and videos. In this blog, we have listed for you six techniques to fully optimize your website for conversions:

1. Create trust among your visitors
2. Stimulate usability
3. Applying Cialdini's six persuasion techniques.
4. Best conversion rate testing with A/B testing
5. Employing tooling
6. Personalizing your current website

Build customer database of the number of website visitors who eventually convert to customers.

why conversion optimization?

Every organization strives to achieve results. In addition, every organization sets goals. Goals for staff, but also for the organization in itself. The well-known dot on the horizon. Where do we want to be as an organization in one, two or perhaps five years?

To move forward as an organization, you will have to keep evolving. Just like your competitors. And the market in which you operate. If you don't, your customers or potential customers will switch. To a competitor who does develop. One that does keep up with changes in the market and responds to current events. Logical right?

Amazing, then, to see that companies often forget one important thing in this regard. The website. Your company's online business card. The place where your potential customers become familiar with the company. Where they discover why your product or service is of interest to them. At least, when you've done it right as a company. When the content on your website is up to date, responds to the pain points of the target group and shows in text and visually, what makes the company unique.

what is important in conversion optimization?

establish trust with visitors.

Visitors should trust you as a provider based on the website. In fact, in today's day and age, it is more than common for fake websites to be launched and often, unfortunately, successful business. Visitors will therefore look for something on your website that makes them feel trusted. Think about showing reviews or customer cases but also showing pictures of employees. This gives your company personality, and people like to identify with people.

Optimize website and encourage usability.

A logical second. Usability should be at the heart of optimizing your Web site. People often only look at how a website looks. With effects, flying in layers and bright colors, your website may become trendier, but what does this do to the loading time of the website, for example? And how are these fly-in layers loaded on mobile? These are important questions to ask yourself when designing and optimizing the website.

Increase website usability for conversion optimization.

Applying persuasion techniques for conversion optimization.

Does the name Robert Cialdini mean anything to you? In 1984, this American professor wrote the book: The Psychology of Persuasion. In it he describes six techniques by which actions or behavior of people can be influenced. These six techniques can be very well applied in online marketing in order to increase the conversions on your website.

One of these strategies is the influence strategy authority. People are more likely to believe claims made by a person with authority. Therefore, it is important to exude authority on the website. One way to do this is to add labels or share user experiences of a professional.

Optimize the website for conversion optimization by employing A/B testing.

Test the best conversion rate with A/B testing

You can optimize your Web site using advice, research or assumptions. But you (almost) never know for sure in advance what will work or lead to an increase in your conversion rate. This is because it varies for each product or service. Why is that? Because every target audience is different. And every target audience has different preferences and characteristics. You find out by testing. A/B testing. Divide your website visitors into group A and B. Show these visitors a different page with variations in text, buttons, images, etc. and then test which one works better.

Leveraging tooling in conversion optimization.

Is there any tooling that can analyze your Web site and give optimization recommendations? Of course there is. Several toolings make it possible for you to automate A/B testing, but also think of Heatmaps that show you exactly where your page is clicked, and where it is not clicked. This visually displays what the customer journey on your page looks like. But not only tooling to optimize your website is available. It goes even further.

Because in addition to the behavior of your website visitors, you can also measure the impact each visitor has. Impact? This impact is measured using preset values that you can assign to each click on your website. Based on the clicks that the visitor then does, his or her impact is measured. What can you do with this data? Evaluate and optimize. Do you see, for example, that the button on your main page is not being clicked on? Then you can reposition it or change the CTA.

If you are a B2B organization, then this software is very interesting. Every visitor is linked to an organization on the basis of known data at the Chamber of Commerce. Then analyze which type of company from which industry has a high or low impact and optimize your website based on this data.

Personalize your website to boost conversions.

Measuring how much impact a visitor has on your website is fun. After all, based on this you optimize your website so you can "reshape" the customer journey.

But we like to go a little further. We like to let you know what is possible. Based on the behavior of your website visitors, you can personalize your website. One of the ways to personalize your website is with liquid content. This means that you can vary pieces of content based on the behavior of a visitor.

In addition to behavioral personalization, personalization can also be based on the campaign assigned to the visitor or the company's SBI code. Based on preset criteria (e.g. number of pages visited or time on the website) you categorize the visitor and display personalized content. As a result, the visitor will feel recognized. After all, you seem to know the reason the visitor came to your website in the first place. What are you building with that? Trust. And this in turn, as mentioned earlier, will contribute to increasing the percentage of visitors who eventually convert on your website!

Personalizing a website based on the behavior of website visitors for optimizing conversions.

customer data platform.

Another way to personalize your Web site. Take a CDP. With this software, you build 360-degree customer profiles by collecting visitor data, cleaning it up and finally combining it into the final profile.

Based on the profiles in a CDP, you can customize the entire website at the person level, or add elements that you know will have an effect on that person. By applying AI machine learning to website traffic, a CDP can estimate exactly where someone is in the funnel and what actions will have an effect. In some cases even down to percentage of likelihood to buy something, interest in certain products, sensitivity to discounts, past purchase behavior and more.

Through these segments, a different version of your Web site can be shown to each visitor. However, a CDP goes beyond on-site personalization. Some platforms can extend this person-level personalization to all advertising channels, as well as email marketing, Web push messages and messaging channels. At this level, we are actually no longer talking about conversion optimization as a standalone thing, but as part of an omni-channel marketing strategy where the message is personalized throughout the funnel and across all channels.

conversion optimization advice.

Our advice regarding conversion optimization? Stay critical of your own website. After all, every company thinks his or her own message is unique and clear. But does the visitor to your website think so too? The online world is constantly evolving. What about your website?

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Chantal Tol

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Online Marketing Consultant

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