
5 ways to increase the deliverability of your email

Reading time 4 minutes
By Patrick Schokker

Marketers put a lot of time into campaigns for their email marketing. Whether this is creating a new email or modifying an email template. It is therefore a deep disappointment when you find out that your message never reached the inbox. We share 5 ways to increase the deliverability of your emails!

Delivery and deliverability of emails are often confused. The two terms are similar, but each has a very different meaning. Therefore, we will first clarify the difference between these two terms:

E-mail delivery 

Ask yourself the question "Can the recipient accept your message?"

E-mail delivery shows whether the recipient received your e-mail. The point is that your e-mail arrived in a mailbox. If it did not, the e-mail delivery was not successful. This statistic does not distinguish where the e-mail arrived. So the mail may also have arrived in the spam box or another folder. Once the mail has arrived at the recipient, this is considered a successful delivery. ,

Email delivery takes the following factors into account: 

  • Does the domain exist?
  • Is the e-mail address valid?
  • Is the IP address blocked or not?

Email deliverability 

Ask yourself the question "did the e-mail end up in the inbox?"

Email deliverability is all about where the email ended up after delivery. Is it in the inbox, spam box or another folder? Email deliverability has three parts:

  1. Id.. Protocols are used to verify that you are really who you claim to be when sending an e-mail. Examples include: Sender Policy Framework (SPF), DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) and Domain-Based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance (DMARC).

  2. Reputation. Your sender reputation is a score that shows how reliable the e-mails you send are. Internet service providers (ISP) and organizations will have a score for your emails. You can also build this by generating positive subscriber behavior. Users mark you as a trustworthy sender. This is the best way to build a reputation.

  3. Content. Content is all about making sure the message you want to convey is relevant to your target audience. It is important to tailor your message and formatting to the needs of your subscribers.

Improper Identification and or a bad reputation are the main reasons why an e-mail ends up in the inbox or spam box. 

In case of email delivery problems, you may have faulty email addresses in your list or too much negative user interaction. Your email is therefore blocked by the recipient. If you are experiencing problems with deliverability, the sending and permission practices you are using may no longer be up to date. Also, it may be illegal or that your subscribers are no longer interested in your content. 

We've listed some ways to make sure you can improve the deliverability of your emails so that your emails end up in the inbox down the road.

#1. Configure a fresh email list.

A large number of inactive contacts has a bad long-term impact on your deliverability. Remove or suppress inactive contacts to maintain a healthy deliverability status, or send an automatic reaffirmation campaign that confirms people want to receive your emails. 

Problems with deliverability can indicate spam falling in your email list. These are e-mail addresses that look normal but are used to identify spammers. Therefore, regularly remove invalid and inactive contacts from your list. This keeps the email list clean.

#2. Offer simple unsubscribe options

Unsubscribes are often associated with something negative. But does this affect the deliverability of your emails? No. In fact, it encourages recipient engagement and helps clean up your email list. 

Offer a simple unsubscribe option so you can make sure people stay subscribed because they really want to receive your content. This ensures that when you send targeted campaigns to these lists there will be a higher open, click and bounce rate. 

Make sure your unsubscribe link is not hidden. Contacts are better off unsubscribing than reporting you as spam. 

unsubscribe button - deliverability

#3. Personalize your emails

For contacts, it is important that the content they receive is relevant. Always check this when creating content for an e-mail. For marketers, using e-mail is one of the most personal ways to communicate. Therefore, make your emails truly personal. Let them resonate with your target audience, this strengthens deliverability, engagement and customer relations. 

#4. Add relevant content to your emails

Your emails should appeal to the reader. The first text that comes into view is the subject line; therefore, this is the readers' first impression. Make your subject line as attractive as possible. 

subject line - deliverability

Readers signed up for a reason. They are already engaged with your business. But you need to make sure they have a pleasant experience with your emails and that they are enjoyable to read.

Think about how you want to address your readers. Translate this into an e-mail. Show that you care about the needs of your contacts, this will make them feel even more connected to you. 

#5. Check the legality of your emails

When using an email marketing software such as, for example SharpSpring, you don't have to worry about legality. Most marketing automation softwares comply with web laws. Do you create your own emails? Then always check that they comply with the laws!


By applying these tips, you will improve the email experience for both yourself and your readers, and your email will show up in the inbox - and stand out! 

Have questions about email deliverability or need help implementing these tips? 

If so, please contact with our specialists!

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Patrick Schokker

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