
5 tips to get more return from your Google Ads campaigns

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By Shannah de Ruijter

Advertising within Google Ads can be a tough job for B2B organizations, as there is a lot of competition. You will often have to deal with low search volume. This causes the price per click to rise, which does not help your budget. In this blog, we share 5 tips for getting a higher return from your Google Ads campaigns!

Tip #1. Pay attention to your quality score

If you want to know how relevant your ads are in relation to the keywords you chose, you can look at your ad quality score. Relevant ads receive a higher quality score.

Three factors determine your quality score:

  • Ad relevance: how closely does the keyword relate to your ad?

  • Expected click rate: how likely are people to click on your ad when it is shown with your keyword?

  • Experience on landing page: how relevant and useful is the landing page to people who click on the ad.

A high quality score is very important, as it lowers the price per click and also the cost per conversion. Moreover, ads with a high quality score often receive more clicks and are displayed at higher positions within search results.

quality score Google Ads campaigns

Tip #2. Make use of long-tail keywords

There are two types of keywords: short-tail and long-tail. Long-tail keywords consist of three or more words that make a search query even more specific. Short-tail keywords often consist of one or two words and generally have a higher search volume. However, higher search volume also means that competition for these keywords is higher, causing the price per click to rise quickly.

Using long-tail keywords allows for more effective advertising. This is because long-tail keywords are more specific. This ensures that the traffic coming to your website is more relevant. Also, long-tail keywords have a lower search volume. As a result, you have less competition, making the CPC lower.

Tip #3. Build a relevant landing page for your ad

A relevant landing page aligned with your ad contributes to a successful Google Ads campaign. Google rates a landing page as relevant when it is aligned with the keywords of your ad. The more relevant the landing page, the higher the quality score of your ad.

It is crucial to share relevant keywords and information on your landing page. Having the same keywords and information reflected in your ad will increase the relevance of your landing page. This will increase your quality score.

We link all of our ad campaigns to a specific landing page. These landing pages have a direct link to the ad content. This means that the texts on the landing page and the ad texts match. This positively influences the quality score! More information about how we use advertising you can read here >>!

Landing pages

Tip #4. Optimize your ads

By constantly analyzing and optimizing ads, you can differentiate yourself from competitors. One way to analyze and optimize your ads is to perform A/B testing. With A/B testing, you test two different ad variations among the same target audience. Part of the target audience will see ad A and the other part will see ad B.

During A/B testing, the two ad forms run side by side in parallel. The results of the ads show you, among other things, which ad provides the highest CTR. Using this information, you can continue to optimize your ads until they are successful for you.

With concepts and experiments within Google Ads, it is possible to make changes to current ads and test them. More information about concepts and experiments can be found here >>.

A/B testing

Tip #5. Excluding searches

When starting a new campaign, you think about the keywords you want to be found on. But it is also wise to think about the keywords you don't want to be found on. not to be found on.

How do you exclude searches?

The overview of searches that trigger your ad can be found in the search terms report of Google Ads. This report can be found under 'Campaigns' > 'Keywords' > 'Search Terms'. It may contain search terms that are not relevant to your campaign. The quality of your campaign will go up when you exclude irrelevant searches.

Irrelevant searches can be searches that are placed in the wrong context and carry the wrong intent. Excluding these searches is what you do to avoid clicks from people who have no buying intent.

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