
7 essential elements to increase your homepage conversion rate

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By Patrick Schokker

Your home page should be the flagship of your website. After all, this page generates the most traffic. By setting up this page in the right way, you can create a successful funnel and get more conversions.

These are the 7 key elements to creating a homepage that drives more conversions.

1. Say directly what you are doing

Most website visitors land on your home page. This is the first impression they will get of your company. So you need to provide a good entry point; a header with a catchy title and a clear CTA (Call to Action) to match (and indicate what you expect from visitors, e.g., "Sign up" or "Download brochure"). 

Tip 1 convertible home page

2. Take the visitor with you (to the next step).

Make sure your website is easy to navigate. Don't just think about your home page, but think in a funnel. What steps does someone go through on your Web site before they convert? What route do they take? This is what your entire website should focus on, as these pages need to work together and connect. 

Tip 2 homepagine q-impact

3. Prove your worth

Include short case studies and reviews of what you sell. Visitors value the experiences of others. You should also add trust factors and company batches. This way visitors see that you are genuine. 

Tip 3 eyeopen sample home page

4. Results over 'features' 

Incorporate benefits into headlines, the headlines above your content. Mention the most important reason why visitors should buy your product. Do not mention the features, but really the benefits that visitors get from your product. For example: "Save X number of euros with X" or "Save 100 hours per month with X".

tip 4 example of Evi van Lanschot home page

5. Improve loading time

The loading time of your Web site is an M-E-G-A important component. The slower your website loads, the less interesting a visitor will find your website. They simply have no patience for this and will click your website away immediately. Even though people always start on the homepage, this is not the only page you should focus on. It is of course the most visited page, but people go deeper into your website before they convert. 

Conversion killers:

conversion killers

6. Answer objections

Don't make the home page too "salesy." Focus primarily on answering visitors' concerns. Visitors are not sales-ready right away. Make them feel comfortable, then they are more likely to convert. Then, of course, you have to know what those objections are. You can then adjust the content accordingly. Or you can conduct a survey asking why a visitor did not buy anything. By responding to this, you can increase your sales. 

answer objections FAQ

7. Don't forget your pixels

Google tag manager codes, Facebook pixels, Google retargeting pixels, are all elements you must not forget. Otherwise, you can't collect data and measure the behavior of your website visitors. By monitoring this, you can optimize your website and retarget your audience, for example. 


Want to increase your home page conversions? Then start applying these elements. Think of your home page as a funnel, precisely because this page gets the most traffic.

Not sure if your homepage is set up properly? Then contact our web team, they can help you get a killer home page design!

Get in touch!

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Patrick Schokker
Patrick Schokker

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