
The SEO guide to improve your organic findability

Reading time 5 minutes
By Guido Sombroek

An SEO guide to improving your organic findability. Starting at the beginning. The word SEO is short for Search Engine Optimization. Literally translated from English, it means Search Engine Optimization. And it can be done in several ways. For example, you can improve the content on the page, the technology your website runs on and the authority of your website. Does this all conform to the latest SEO standards? Then your page may be displayed within the organic search results. For free and for nothing. Because search engines like Google, Yahoo or Bing find the content, technology and authority of your page best suited to an entered search query.

Consultant from schurq. conducting keyword analysis

We start with a keyword analysis

This establishes the focus. A keyword equals a search query. Because everything you enter into a search engine is considered a search query. You are, as it were, asking Google to look for the answer to your query. A search engine provides this in the form of a page, video or an image. Or a combination of these. Keep in mind that some keywords are searched for more than others. And if a keyword is searched for a lot, there is often a lot of competition. The more competition, the harder it is to reach the number 1 position. And of course everyone wants that number 1 position.

Tailor content to one, at most two searches per page

Why? Because one page cannot really answer more than one or two questions. Because if you ask a question, a query, to a search engine like Google, Bing or Yahoo? Then all pages on the Internet are analyzed. Does your page focus on four, five or sometimes as many as six keywords? Then there is always another page that gives a better answer than yours. Therefore, focus on one to two keywords per page. And in addition to the keyword, keep an eye on search intent. After all, what would you want to see when you search for "red shoes"? Right. An overview of all the red shoes a company offers. Show that directly at the top of the page. That way, you answer the search query directly, increasing your chances of a better position in the search engine.

Interest the reader with content tailored to search needs
What Google's EEAT stands for

The 4 SEO pillars for high-quality content

E-A-T, which stands for Expertise, Authority and Trust, has been the basis of Google's guidelines for quality content for years. If you score on these three facets, chances are your content will rank higher in search results. In late 2022, Google introduced an additional dimension: the second "E" in E-E-A-T, which stands for Experience.

Take, for example, an article in which a specialist explains a particular medical procedure. This kind of content is now even more valuable if it comes from someone with direct experience in that field. Or if you are looking for advice on the best mattress, personal reviews and user experiences on blogs, web shops or forums are more important than ever. It is now not only about knowledge and reliability, but also about personal experiences if you want your content to meet all four SEO pillars. When writing unique content, focusing on these pillars cannot be missing.

Look at the structure of your pages

Have you ever thought about or looked into this? As mentioned earlier, all findable pages on the Internet are included when a search occurs. Therefore, don't make it unnecessarily difficult. Make sure your pages are logically structured. Think of each page as a separate book. A book has one title, so does a page. We give this title the 'h1 tag'. This way, search engines immediately know what the page is about. After the intro comes the first chapter. We give this one the 'h2 tag'. If you go deeper into the chapter and the text becomes too long, we add paragraphs with an 'h3 tag'. Logical right?

A logical structure of the pages, combined with the other basic principles and steps within the manual, results in better online findability.

Brainstorming session

Images should also be optimized to be found better

'But a picture is just a picture right?' Sure. But a search engine's software analyzing your Web site doesn't see images. They only read your website's coding. And that software only reads the filename and the alt tag of an image. So we can optimize those. Include the keyword, or a synonym, in the file name or alt tag. Describe what the image is about. That way, search engines also know that an image reflects a marketing funnel rather than a 2046378.jpeg.... Then you have the size, the number of bytes of an image, which affects SEO performance.
So, if this is all right then will I come out on top in search results? No. SEO consists of 3 pillars. This was just the content. SEO is an interplay of all 3. On to the technology behind your website.

Technology is all about 'user friendliness

And especially mobile friendliness. Your website will be indexed "mobile first. Because this best reflects behavior in the marketplace. Look in the mirror. What would you do when looking for a particular product? Often (for the more expensive products), research is done on the phone first, after which the actual conversion takes place on desktop. Mobile first, in other words. Purchases of cheaper products are often also completed on the mobile device. Therefore, your website is also evaluated on the mobile version, not the desktop version.

Improve the technique of the web site to improve your online findability

Make sure your website's core web vitals are in order

That's what it's all about. What are Core web vitals?

  • 'Largest contentful paint' (LCP) or in other words, How long does it take for the largest element of your website to load.
  • 'Cumulative layout shift' (CLS) is a measure that shows when there were last shifts on your website.
  • 'First Input Delay (FID) measures the difference between when an element is clicked and when something actually happens.

Is the loading time of the largest element long, does your website take a long time to respond when you click on an element, or are elements still shifting when you are scrolling? That's what annoys visitors. And that's what a search engine penalizes. Your website is thus perceived as not user-friendly. This is popularly known as a slow website.

With a slow website, you lose visitors

How do you make sure your content can be consumed so well? Start with a good hosting party but also have a developer take a look at the code and javascript used. Because technology never stands still, a website does. So does the code your website uses. Just like a car, give your website an annual MOT inspection. After all, it is your company's digital business card, and more, of course.

And then the authority of your website: Authority score

The reliability of your website. This is measured by the number of backlinks, the age of your domain and the number of visitors that go directly to your site. The quantity and quality of your backlinks are assessed by means of an authority score. This score also influences the online findability of your website.

Analyze visitor flows generated in part by the cdp.

Backlinks are references from one domain to another

Are you referenced by another domain? Including reference? That means that one website cites your website as its source. So you are seen as trustworthy. And is the domain, which uses your domain as a source, seen as more trustworthy than your domain? Then your trustworthiness value increases. Do you still get it? Exactly. That's why it's smart to hire a professional. We explain it using an example.

We have a major national newspaper like, for example, Het Parool and a regional newspaper like the Nivo. An article about online marketing is published in both newspapers. We are mentioned as schurq. in both newspapers. Which mention do you think creates more reliability with a visitor? Right. The Parool.

But! The Nivo is regionally known, and therefore provides extra value looking at Local SEO. You can read more about that in our blog where we explain how to improve your local findability.

Ready to improve your organic findability? Then get in touch!

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Guido Sombroek
Guido Sombroek

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