
Promoting job openings in Facebook among a specific target audience?

Reading Time 2 minutes
By Shannah de Ruijter

Promoting vacancy among a specific target group impossible in Facebook? Not as far as schurq. is concerned. What if we take LinkedIn's targeting capabilities as a basis? Define job profiles so well that they can even be targeted in Facebook. Then you can easily and cheaply target your vacancies to a specific audience via Facebook. Even with the current job restrictions!

Because it probably hasn't escaped your notice. The ad policy within Facebook has recently been tightened for special ad categories, including job postings, to protect user privacy. Specifying psychographic characteristics/features is no longer possible.

What's no longer allowed? Targeting based on:
- Gender
- Age
- Location
- Nationality
- Marital Status
- Interests

So how can we WELL target jobs to your specific audience? We can do this by using LinkedIn as a basis. With a very good analysis based on job title, seniority, experience and industry we ensure that we know exactly how to approach the target group in Facebook. We then use that as a basis in Facebook. That way schurq. can promote vacancies for your company among this specific target group. Cheaper than normal on LinkedIn.

We understand that it doesn't sound so logical to everyone. That's why we are happy to explain it to you in a short conversation. Completely free of obligation.

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Shannah de Ruijter

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Online Marketing Consultant

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